Bereavement Project Update 11/29/14

Hello Internet!

Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement.

Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge:

-Updated scale for Level 1 Room 2 (Steve Chepp)
-Updated scale for Level 1 Room 3 (Steve Chepp)
-Added level 2 Corridor base (Steve Chepp)
-Changed button location in Character_PlayerCharacter_BattleGUI (Tsimcha Lor)
-Updated scale for Level 1 Corridor (Mario Love)
-Updated scale for Level 1 Room 1 (Anthony Turtenwald)
-Added asset Character_NonPlayerCharacter_ReaperAttack (Darrin Alston Jr.)
-Added asset Character_NonPlayerCharacter_ReaperAttack0 (Darrin Alston Jr.)
-Added asset Character_NonPlayerCharacter_ReaperIdle (Darrin Alston Jr.)
-Added asset Character_NonPlayerCharacter_ReaperIdle0 (Darrin Alston Jr.)
-Added asset Character_NonPlayerCharacter_UnhoodedReaperAttack (Darrin Alston Jr.)
-Added asset Character_NonPlayerCharacter_UnhoodedReaperAttack0 (Darrin Alston Jr.)
-Added asset Character_NonPlayerCharacter_UnhoodedReaperIdle (Darrin Alston Jr.)
-Added asset Character_NonPlayerCharacter_UnhoodedReaperIdle0 (Darrin Alston Jr.)
-Cleaned up project hierarchy of Level 1 Corridor scene (Steve Chepp)
-Added sound effects to battle test scene (Tsimcha Lor)
-Added Enemy attack button to the BattleGUI script (Tsimcha Lor)
-Rescaled and polished level 1 corridor (Anthony Turtenwald)
-Rescaled and polished Level 1 room 1 (Anthony Turtenwald)
-Rescaled and polished level 1 room 2 (Anthony Turtenwald)
-Rescaled and polished level 1 room 3 (Anthony Turtenwald)
-fixed game over scene aspect ratio button issue (Mario Love)


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