
Showing posts from December, 2014

Warhammer 40K custom codex tools: Army Builder

One of the tools we used for this project was a program called Army Builder by Lone Wolf Development. This tool was invaluable for paper prototyping out our changes by being able to rapidly prototype various constraints within the game its self. The following is a video showcasing some of the functionality of the tool:  The web page for the tool can be found here

Warhammer 40K custom codex Timeline

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for the Timeline section of our Warhammer 40k custom codex. Additionally, if you click HERE you can view and download a copy of this section of our custom 40k codex for playing with.

Warhammer 40K custom codex Psyker

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for the Psyker section of our Warhammer 40k custom codex. Additionally, if you click HERE you can view and download a copy of this section of our custom 40k codex for playing with.

Our official Warhammer 40K custom codex

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for our FULL Warhammer 40k custom codex. This is ready to be played, used, etc... Please feel free to use, test and/or play with it to your hearts content You can click HERE to go to our actual codex (wiki form)

Warhammer 40K custom codex Wargear

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for the Wargear section of our Warhammer 40k custom codex. Additionally, if you click HERE you can view and download a copy of this section of our custom 40k codex for playing with.

Warhammer 40K custom codex Rewards

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for the Rewards section of our Warhammer 40k custom codex. Additionally, if you click HERE you can view and download a copy of this section of our custom 40k codex for playing with.

Warhammer 40K custom codex Icons

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for the Icons section of our Warhammer 40k custom codex. Additionally, if you click HERE you can view and download a copy of this section of our custom 40k codex for playing with. 

Warhammer 40K custom codex Artifacts

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for the Artifacts section of our Warhammer 40k custom codex. Additionally, if you click HERE you can view and download a copy of this section of our custom 40k codex for playing with.

Warhammer 40K custom codex Amalgam (god lore)

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for the lore of one of our gods in our Warhammer 40k custom codex. Additionally, if you click HERE you can view and download a copy of this section of our custom 40k codex for playing with.

Warhammer 40K custom codex Nature of Harmony (Intro to our race)

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for the Nature of Harmony (Intro to our race) section of our warhammer 40k custom codex. Additionally, if you click HERE you can view and download a copy of this section of our custom 40k codex for playing with.

Warhammer 40K custom codex GDD showcase

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for the GDD of our warhammer 40k custom codex. Additionally, if you click HERE you can view and download a copy of this section of our custom 40k codex for playing with.

Warhammer 40K custom codex Special Rules showcase

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for the Special Rules section of our Warhammer 40k custom codex. Additionally, if you click HERE you can view and download a copy of this section of our custom 40k codex for playing with.

Bereavement Project Update 12/15/14 and Vertical Slice

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement. Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge: -Changed asset Loot_System_Highlight.cs (Everett "Vett" Jones) -Changed asset Loot_System_LockandKey.cs to allow for door sounds (Anthony Turtenwald & Mario Love) -Added asset Animation_InsanityCharacter_WalkCycle.png (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Changed Animation_EnemyMechaMike_Idle_0 pixels to 100 (Tsimcha Lor) -Changed Animation_EnemyMechaMike_Attack_0 pixels to 100 (Tsimcha Lor) -Added asset EnemyMechaMike scene (Tsimcha Lor) -Added asset Enemy_MechaMike_Idle prefab (Tsimcha Lor) -Changed General_Systems_Credits.cs to allow for decimal points for speed (Tsimcha Lor) -Changed camera in credits scene (Tsimcha Lor) -Added enemy attack sound to all standard enemy attacks (Josh Albers) -Changed Character_PlayerCharacter_BattleGUI.cs to allow for the enemy to attack back on a special attack (Eric Oshefsky) -C

Bereavement Project Update 12/13/14

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement. Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge: -Added asset Environment_Props_Bat1 (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Props_Bat2 (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Props_Bat3 (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Props_Beer1 (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Props_Beer2 (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Props_Brick (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Props_DoubleLamp (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Props_Flowers1 (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Props_Flowers2 (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Props_Flowers3 (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Props_Flowers4 (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Props_Flowers5 (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Props_Flowers6 (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Props_PictureFrame1 (Darrin Alston J

Bereavement Project Update 12/09/14

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement. Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge: -Changed Game Over scene to include credits (Anthony Turtenwald & Mario Love) -Fixed persistent Gfx.WaitForPresent spike in inspector by removing shadows/optimizing lighting (Steve Chepp) -Optimized overall CPU and GPU Usage stats in inspector (Steve Chepp) -Added asset Character_PlayerCharacter_InsanityAttack.ogg (Jacob Dering) -Added assets for Animation_EnemyMechaMike_Attack (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added assets for Animation_EnemyMechaMike_Idle (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Changed Character_PlayerCharacter_PlayHealth.cs so player health resets back to 0 after transitioning to the reaper scene (Eric Oshefsky) -Changed General_Systems_CombatSystem.cs to delay Start() for functional script load order (Eric Oshefsky) -Changed General_Systems_CombatSystem.cs so the player enters reaper scene in insanity (Tsimcha Lor) -Chang

Bereavement Project Update 12/08/14

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement. Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge: -Added sound to battle scenes (Tsimcha Lor) -Updated Reaper v2 scene (Tsimcha Lor) -Updated player prefab (Tsimcha Lor) -Added enemy attack button for testing (Tsimcha Lor) -Activated Fixed Angle rigidbody for player and enemy in Combat Testing and Reaper_v.2 scene (Tsimcha Lor) -Edited CombatSystem script: Load Battle to Reaper to Game Over scenes (Tsimcha Lor) -Fixed some Yellow warnings in combat scripts (Tsimcha Lor) -Added Asset Environment_Prop_Payphone.png (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added Asset Animation_EmenyTeddy_Roar_Attack.anim (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added Asset Animation_EmenyTeddy_Roar_Attack.png (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added Asset Animation_EmenyTeddy_Roar_Attack.controller (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added Asset Animation_EmenyTeddy_Idle.anmi (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added Asset Animation_EmenyTeddy_Idle.png (Darrin Al

Bereavement Project Update 11/30/14

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement. Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge: -Added asset Loot_System_PickupItemWithKey.cs (Everett "Vett" Jones) -Added asset Loot_System_Inventory.cs (Everett "Vett" Jones) -Added asset Level 2 Corridor scene (empty) with proper transitions (Steve Chepp) -Added asset Level 2 Room 1 (empty) with proper transitions (Steve Chepp) -Added asset Level 2 Room 2 (empty) with proper transitions (Steve Chepp) -Added asset Level 2 Room 3 (empty) with proper transitions (Steve Chepp)

Bereavement Project Update 11/29/14

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement. Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge: -Updated scale for Level 1 Room 2 (Steve Chepp) -Updated scale for Level 1 Room 3 (Steve Chepp) -Added level 2 Corridor base (Steve Chepp) -Changed button location in Character_PlayerCharacter_BattleGUI (Tsimcha Lor) -Updated scale for Level 1 Corridor (Mario Love) -Updated scale for Level 1 Room 1 (Anthony Turtenwald) -Added asset Character_NonPlayerCharacter_ReaperAttack (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Character_NonPlayerCharacter_ReaperAttack0 (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Character_NonPlayerCharacter_ReaperIdle (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Character_NonPlayerCharacter_ReaperIdle0 (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Character_NonPlayerCharacter_UnhoodedReaperAttack (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Character_NonPlayerCharacter_UnhoodedReaperAttack0 (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Charact

Bereavement Project Update 11/21/14

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement. Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge:  -Updated All combat related scripts (Tsimcha Lor) -Added asset new Loot_RangedWeapon_KittenCannon animations (Tsimcha Lor) -Added asset Character_EnemyCharacter_OrbAttack (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Character_EnemyCharacter_OrbAttack_0 (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Character_EnemyCharacter_OrbAttack_19 (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Character_EnemyCharacter_Projectile (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Character_EnemyOrbAttack (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset GeneralSystems_Prop_InsanityBarGuage (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset GeneralSystems_Prop_InsanityBarSansGuage (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Character_Enemy_AttackMeter.cs (Tsimcha Lor) -Added asset Animation_EnemyCharacter_OrbAttack (Tsimcha Lor) -Added asset Character_PlayerCharacter_Insanity.cs (Tsimcha Lor) -Changed Chara

Bereavement Project Update 11/18/14

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement. Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge: -changed main menu audio to loop (Steve Chepp) -fixed main menu scene aspect ratio button issue (Steve Chepp) -Added asset Character_PlayerCharacter_InsanityDeath.ogg (Jacob Dering) -Added asset Character_PlayerCharacter_InsanityGrunt.ogg (Jacob Dering) -Added asset Character_PlayerCharacter_PlayerDeath.ogg (Jacob Dering) -Added asset Character_PlayerCharacter_PlayerGrunt.ogg (Jacob Dering) -Added asset Loot_RangedWeapon_KKFIRE.ogg (Jacob Dering) -Added asset Environment_Prop_Gravestone1.png (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Prop_Gravestone2.png (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Prop_Moon.png (Darrin Alston Jr.)

Bereavement Project Update 11/17/14

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement. Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge: -Added asset Environment_Prop_BereavementStainedGlassFrame.png (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Prop_Key.png (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Updated Main Menu scene (Steve Chepp) -Created Game Over base scene (Steve Chepp) -Added asset Environment_Background_SomethingDarker.ogg (Everett "Vett" Jones) -Added asset Enviroment_Systems_SceneTrans2.cs (Eric Oshefsky) -Added door 1 to room 1 scene transition in level 1 corridor scene (Steve Chepp) -Added door 2 to room 2 scene transition in level 1 corridor scene (Steve Chepp) -Added door 3 to room 3 scene transition in level 1 corridor scene (Steve Chepp) -Made all PC settings identical across all scenes (Steve Chepp)

Bereavement Project Update 11/15/14

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement. Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge: -Added asset Character_Combat_Walk1 (Tsimcha Lor) -Added visual representation of PC and NPC health (Eric Oshefsky) -Added scene Main Menu (Tsimcha Lor) -Added asset General_Systems_MainMenu (Tsimcha Lor) -Added asset Loot_RangedWeapon_KittenCannonReload.ogg (Jacob Dering) -Added asset Loot_Collectable_Key.ogg (Jacob Dering) -Added asset Environment_Background_CreakDoor.ogg (Jacob Dering) -Added asset Environment_Background_DoorKnob.ogg (Jacob Dering) -Added asset Environment_Background_RunningWater.ogg (Jacob Dering) -Added asset Environment_Background_static.ogg (Jacob Dering) -Added asset Character_PlayerCharacter_InsanityTransition.ogg (Jacob Dering) -Added asset Character_PlayerCharacter_Walking2.ogg (Jacob Dering) -Added asset Character_Universal_Attack.ogg (Jacob Dering) -Changed Level 1

Bereavement Project Update 11/12/14

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement. Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge: -Added asset Animation_Environment_Sparkle.png (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Prop_TeddyBear.png (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Props_QuarterOnAString.png (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Environment_Props_V2Bed.png (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added 3 windows to Level 1 Corridor scene (Mario Love) -Added 1 additional plant to Level 1 Corridor scene (Mario Love) -Added 1 additional fire alarm to Level 1 Corridor scene (Mario Love) -Altered positioning of assets within Level 1 Corridor scene (Mario Love) -Added 1 additional spider web to Level 1 Corridor scene (Mario Love) -Added 2 pipe combos to Level 1 Room 1 scene (Anthony Turtenwald) -Added 3 trash piles to Level 1 Room 1 scene (Anthony Turtenwald) -Added graffiti to Level 1 Room 1 scene (Anthony Turtenwald) -Added level mus

Bereavement Project Update 11/11/14

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement. Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge: -Added asset Enviroment_Systems_SceneTrans.cs (Eric Oshefsky) -Changed Level 1 Room 2 to accept Enviroment_Systems_SceneTrans (Steve Chepp) -Changed Level 1 Room 3 to accept Enviroment_Systems_SceneTrans (Steve Chepp) -Added asset Deeper Into Madness_level1_bossbattle.ogg (Everett "Vett" Jones) -Added asset Character_PlayerCharacter_ActiveInsanity.ogg (Everett "Vett" Jones) -Added asset Environment_Background_8bitlevel1.ogg (Everett "Vett" Jones) -Added asset Environment_Background_DeeperIntoMadness.ogg (Everett "Vett" Jones) -Added asset Environment_Background_MeetTheReaper4.ogg (Everett "Vett" Jones) -Added asset Environment_Background_TitleSong.ogg (Everett "Vett" Jones)

Bereavement Project Update 11/10/14

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement. Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge: -Created level 1 corridor (Mario Love) -Created level 1 room 1 (Anthony Turtenwald) -Created level 1 room 2 (Steve Chepp) -Created level 1 room 3 (Steve Chepp) -Altered placement of entry door on all new scenes (Steve Chepp) -Altered viewport rectal on all new scenes (Steve Chepp)

Bereavement Project Update 11/09/14

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement. Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge: -Increased apartment scale (Tsimcha Lor) -Added asset Character_PlayerCharacter_Transition (Tsimcha Lor) -Updated general scripts (Tsimcha Lor) -Updated BattleGUI Script (Tsimcha Lor) -Updated Character_PlayerCharacter_Player1 (Tsimcha Lor) -Updated all environment props Z axis to 0.1, so player is not walking behind anything (Tsimcha Lor) -Updated all combat related scripts (Tsimcha Lor, Eric Oshefsky, Josh Albers) -Added asset Loot_RangedWeapon_KittenCannon(Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Loot_RangedWeapon_KittenCannonAnimation(Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Loot_RangedWeapon_KittenCannonAnimation0(Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Character_PlayerCharacter_V2IdleAnimation (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Character_PlayerCharacter_V2PsychoticBreak (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Added asset Character_PlayerCharacter_V2Ps

Bereavement Project Update 11/01/14

Hello Internet! We have baseline combat!!! Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement. Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge: -Change BattleGUI script to allow for custom user input (Tsimcha Lor) -Imported Character_Sound_LeftStep (Tsimcha Lor) -Imported Character_Sound_RightStep (Tsimcha Lor) -Added footstep audio to Character_PlayerCharacter_Move.cs (Tsimcha Lor) -Apartment rescale (Tsimcha Lor) -Removed all Pipelines (Tsimcha Lor) -Removed DoorBlocks (Tsimcha Lor) -Changed Linear Drag in Rigidbody 2D to 3 (Tsimcha Lor) -CombatTesting scene rescaled (Tsimcha Lor) -Changed Player and enemy naming conventions (Tsimcha Lor) -PlayerHealth script updated (Tsimcha Lor) -Changed MainCharacter_Combat_Idle1 sprites to Chracter_Combat_Idle1 sprites (Tsimcha Lor) -Created General_System_CombatEnemy.cs (Josh Albers, Eric Oshefsky, Tsimcha Lor) -Created General_System_CombatSystem.cs (Josh Albers, Eric Oshefsky, Tsi

Bereavement Project Update 10/21/14

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement. Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge: -Changed Insanity script to Character_PlayerCharacter_Insanity (Tsimcha Lor) -Reset ExtraFloorPiece on second floor and re-applied the wood texture to it (Tsimcha Lor) -Added textures, Player_PlayerCharacter_PlayerHealth1 and Player_PlayerCharacter_PlayerHealth2 (Tsimcha Lor) -Created script Character_PlayerCharacter_PlayerHealth script (Tsimcha Lor) -Edit 2 menu buttons to BattleGUI (Tsimcha Lor) -Added Health GUI into Combat Testing scene (Tsimcha Lor) -Imported updated MainCharacter_Combat_Idle to combat testing scene (Tsimcha Lor) -Created updated Character_Battle_Idle animation (Tsimcha Lor) -Created Enemy folder in Prefabs/Team Made/Enemy (Tsimcha Lor) -Changed background scale to 40x20. This changes texture on background in combat (Darrin Alston Jr.) -Known Issue: Parameter "AnimState"

Bereavement Project Update 10/18/2014

Hello Internet! Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement. Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge: -Moved character and objects down to the first floor (Tsimcha Lor) -Imported asset Environment_Prop_DoorBlock1 (Tsimcha Lor) -Changed Environment_Prop_FireAlarm to 200 Pixels a Unit (Tsimcha Lor) -Changed Environment_Prop_Bed1 scale from 2 to 1.5. (Tsimcha Lor) -Moved raw assets items from Prefab/Team Made to Raw/ Team Made (Tsimcha Lor) -Fixed Door.cs  Deleted the variable state calling another variable (Tsimcha Lor) -Converted all raw items into prefabs (Tsimcha Lor) -Altered main camera in Combat Testing scene to Perspective (Tsimcha Lor) -Altered main camera in Combat Testing scene to Field of View 55 (Tsimcha Lor) -Expanded BattleGUI script (Tsimcha Lor) -Changed Player Speed to 2 (Tsimcha Lor) -Changed Player Max Velocity: X = 2.5, Y = 1 (Tsimcha Lor) -Added NPC in CombatTesting (Tsimcha Lor) -Changed Pl