
Showing posts from October, 2015

The MBS official IP Ownership Assignment Contract

Attached you will find the official Mad Badger Studio Intellectual Property (IP) Ownership Assignment contract. I generated this contract due to the fact that we currently have three projects in production under the MBS label, one game, one joyful exercise interactive simulation and one Unity 3d API. Of those three IP’s, only one is my original idea/IP. Due to the nature of this industry, when working on an IP not owned by the studio, or the studio owner, you MUST cover your ass legally. This contract signs IP rights to the studio in exchange for a higher revenue share of the IP once money is generated, in accordance with the Contractor Handbook. Please feel free to use this contract as a template for your company if you so desire, but ensure to change your data where applicable to reflect your company.

The MBS official contractor handbook

Attached you will find the official Mad Badger Studio contractor handbook that I created for our company, complete with contracts. It is an iteration on a handbook I wrote for a previous game dev company. This handbook was created with the goal of creating a fun, enriching and encouraging environment, while still making sure our legal asses are covered. Please feel free to use it as a template for your company if you so desire, but ensure to change your data where applicable to reflect your company.

Mario Mod Tech Preview

In this video I show off the initial build of the mod we are making and how some of the components I spoke of in earlier videos play into this.

e-Signature tutorial

This is a tutorial video I made for how to make e-Signatures. We will be signing contracts moving forward for everyone still on the company after midterm retrospectives. This tutorial will explain how the team must sign these contracts.

Psyberfire Lane Linking

In this video I show how we use the custom flow and lane linking in Psyberfire to ensure that we are not clogging pipelines, retaining high velocity and making milestones.

MBS Game Branding animation

In this video I cover the animating of the Game branding image and the future of what will be done with it.

Kaizen Board

In this video I show how we use the custom flow in Psyberfire to create a Kaizen board and explain a little about it. 

MBS Game branding

In this video I cover my work on our game branding image, the iterations, design and more.

Mario mod Kano board

In this video I show how we use the custom flow in Psyberfire to create an easily adjustable, highly functioning Kano Analysis. 

MBS Company Branding

In this video I go over my creation of our company logo, the iteration of it, the design decisions and more.

How to organize a Children's Party (the importance of this video)

The following video, by Dave Snowden at Cognitive Edge, showcases how workflow, engagement and a host of other factors in Lean Business and Startup, are imperative to bare in mind when existing in this sort of environment. I have officially added this video to my “Watch Monthly” list. Please check out more Dave Snowden and Cognitive Edge HERE