Bereavement Project Update 12/15/14 and Vertical Slice

Hello Internet!

Below you will find a video update for our most recent build of Bereavement.

Additionally, the following is the change log for this merge:
-Changed asset Loot_System_Highlight.cs (Everett "Vett" Jones)
-Changed asset Loot_System_LockandKey.cs to allow for door sounds (Anthony Turtenwald & Mario Love)
-Added asset Animation_InsanityCharacter_WalkCycle.png (Darrin Alston Jr.)
-Changed Animation_EnemyMechaMike_Idle_0 pixels to 100 (Tsimcha Lor)
-Changed Animation_EnemyMechaMike_Attack_0 pixels to 100 (Tsimcha Lor)
-Added asset EnemyMechaMike scene (Tsimcha Lor)
-Added asset Enemy_MechaMike_Idle prefab (Tsimcha Lor)
-Changed General_Systems_Credits.cs to allow for decimal points for speed (Tsimcha Lor)
-Changed camera in credits scene (Tsimcha Lor)
-Added enemy attack sound to all standard enemy attacks (Josh Albers)
-Changed Character_PlayerCharacter_BattleGUI.cs to allow for the enemy to attack back on a special attack (Eric Oshefsky)
-Changed Loot_System_Inventory.cs to integrate into the insanity meter (Eric Oshefsky)
-Changed Character_PlayerCharacter_Insanity.cs to fix insanity walk animation (now activates with "q") (Eric Oshefsky)


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