CSG-115 Fun with Lerpz!!!

Hey everyone, I have been meaning to share this with you all. Below is a video of my Lerpz project. This is a free tutorial available on the Unity Asset Store and is actually a really good way to break into using Unity for the first time.

I had wanted to post a link to the asset store page for the project, but at this time it appears that the tutorial has been taken down from the asset store. If it comes back up, I will update this post.

I am also sharing my flowchart with you all.

Flowchart is below

and below is the pseudocode

play startScene
if press start
run main //"main" refers to the main game scene within Unity
else exit program

playerInput movement //this states that the player is moving Lerpz around the level

encounter "fuelPickup"
if player fuel count > 0
--total player fuel count
else run cutsceneCamera1 event //this event drops the fence around Lerpz's ship

encounter "healthPickup"
if player health < 6
+3 total player health count
else if player health = 4
+2 total player health count
else if player health is = 5
++ total player health count
else +0 total player health count

encounter "copper"
if copper = copperBoss run "enounter "copperBoss"" loop
else run "enounter "copper"" loop

encounter "copper"
Lerpz attack
if copper health count <= 0
copper dies
copper dropps <3 random pickups
else return

copper attacks
if Lerpz health count <=0
Lerpz dies
Lerpz respawns at last check point
else return

encounter "copperBoss"
Lerpz attack
if copperBoss health count <=0
copperBoss dies
copperBoss dropps =50 random pickups
else return

copperBoss attacks
if Lerpz health count <=0
Lerpz dies
Lerpz respawns at last check point
else return

Lerpz encounters impoundFence
if fuel count = 0
&& cutsceneCamera1 has played
Lerpz may enter impoundFence

if Lerpz boards ship
then play cutsceneCamera2

if cutsceneCamera2 is complete
then play game over scene
&& close program

Finally, if anyone wants to play my version of the game build, go here
Hope all of you enjoy!!


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