CSG-115 Quest-Real world design experience: Accepted.

So, this past two weeks in class we were split into groups and given the option to work on two different contract jobs. The options were a nursing simulator to be used in the Milwaukee Area Technical College Nursing program. The other was a museum quality old Milwaukee simulation. Our group was able to snag the Nursing simulation. This project was worked on by another group last semester, so a baseline Unity build was already completed with rudimentary functionality. I retrieved this build today and messed around with it a little... There is a lot of work to be done. I don’t think that this project will realistically be anywhere close to done when our 16 weeks with it are done. It is pretty cool so far tho. I will post some screen caps of it in my next entry. I will say however, that I was very confused by the GUI since I could not do anything but let my patient die... guess its a good thing I'm not a real doctor.
Anyway, until next time....


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